Tuesday, April 27, 2010

GOAL: La Jolla Half Marathon

This was no small task... I guess saying you have run a half marathon and saying you have run the La Jolla Half Marathon is a whole different ball game. The course was grueling! Keep in mind I trained on it in parts. It twisted, tilted and roller coastered from Del Mar to La Jolla cove. Unlike the Carlsbad Marathon there weren't people and bands cheering you a long the entire way. There were long stretches of just sneakers hitting pavement, people pacing their breath and the breeze humming and we wizzed by. I typically run on hills along the coast though not like this... these are steep and windy including the down hills which you would want to give into gravity to help you plow down them but would find yourself having to use most of your energy to keep you from falling.

As I would run on level ground it felt as if people were just passing me by but then on the hills I would pass them by because to me I haven't successfully completed the task unless I have run the entire thing. So its less of a "race" and more of a "run" for me. My boyfriend and dog would be there at a few corners which naturally bring a smile to my face take off the heaviness and allow me to enjoy at least a little of it. The first part of the race it was all gratitude... I was so lucky to have a body, have a trainer and be alive to do this.... the second which was after a 420' elevation run was all about just finishing. KEEP GOING! I would say to myself, if I am this lucky then I can't give anything less than 100 percent, even if that meant digging even deeper than I have ever dug inside myself.

So many times would I want to pause and walk but I dug and dug and found a little extra to keep going. I remembered the people who supported me, people who are suffering and all the others in between that are less fortunate and felt obligated to power through! I finish the race and disclose to my trainer what it took for me to finish and she replied "well I think you are ready for a marathon.... that is exactly what it takes to run a full marathon." I have more respect for runners now more than ever... they aren't just crazy they have figured out the secret..."we are more powerful than we can even imagine." Even when we do imagine this some part of us opens up to something else.... god is in the mystery...

Love to all who supported me, those who didn't finish the race and all who have suffered. Together we remind each other of our possibilities!.... limitless!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

GOAL: 3 min. handstand against wall

Day 2: 1st attempt was awful! I mean "awe" in a depressing way. I clocked in at 1min 30sec. This was depressing though tonight I was timing myself I didn't have anyone cheering me on. Attempt after attempt right around 1 minute my arms would burn and quiver. I would tell myself "transformation is happening." I gradually lowered in times... I held 1.5 min. for the first 6 attempts but the burn I felt in my trapezius today was ridiculous. Yesterday it was all wrists mostly and today I decided to bring my hands closer to stack the bones it a bit more.

Key things I learned today:
Center of wrists under shoulders ~ you feel it in your traps & neck
Center of wrists wider than outer shoulders ~ you feel it in your delts & lats
Center of wrists under outer shoulders ~ you feel it all over including biceps and pecs

I think I need both strong so tomorrow I will alternate close and far to gain strength all around... I figure if I am not any where near 3 minutes at least I can feel "equal pain and suffering" all around. :-)

Notes to self:
If 5 pounds makes a big difference imagine what 20 pounds would feel like on my wrists... more motivation to slim a bit more. Loose in one area and gain strength in another... sounds like a perfectly balanced diet... ;-)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

GOAL: 3 min. handstand against wall

Day 1: I decided to find out where I was so I held the longest handstand I could against the wall and it came to 2 min 01 sec... that's with my boyfriend rooting me on the last 30 seconds. I attempted 10 more times that night timed each ranging from 30 sec - 1 min 27 sec. The first one it was all mental, the second and on I noticed where my weaknesses were in my strength holding proper alignment. Think about it... a handstand is all your bones stacked perfectly so all you have to do is breathe and hold the stacking....

Well it is easier typed and said then done. I remembered back when a yoga instructor told me to use my hands in downdog. What kind of alignment in your hands and foundation was and how you are supposed to claw your fingers but keep your knuckles on the ground. I would attempt this the first time and it felt like I was "stupid" in the hands. I would send signals for my hands to do this and they wouldn't have the intelligence to do what I want them to... nor the strength....

I also noticed my shoulders would ache from attempting this more than once and my body would just try to let its heaviness weigh down on my arms which didn't make anything easier. I got through the first day of this experiment by the will to finish what I said I would do. That usually works for me, PRIDE in my word is one of my greatest motivators. I am a lover of truth and since I won't lie I have to own up to my word. I think this is one of the best qualities my parents instilled in me. Their rule was that if I told the truth I would not get punished but if I told a lie I would get double the punishment. Now that I think about it there was never a "control" for punishment and I never lied so I don't even know what punishment would be. I would have to ask my sister since she lied and maybe she called their bluff...

To be quiet honest the whole reason I have this goal in the first place is because I heard from one of my teachers that John Friend set the standards for the Japanese double our standards were at our advanced intensive. Mind you nothing against the Japanese, in fact I have adored their culture my entire life. My parents would eat sushi all the time and my Dad having Japanese clients would teach me the basic manners and culture he gained from them. I even took a Japanese culture class in college which was difficult but rewarding. It was like seeing a posture in a picture and finding it so captivating you just had to at least try your hardest...

I would never admit to being competitive though its true I am because once you admit your competitive everyone has different expectations on you and that is usually when I crumble. My power is invisibility, I find that creating, innovating and harnessing something and sharing it when it is time if it is ever time is the best way. It gives things a charge which is a good thing and a bad thing. If you hold things in too long and they never are brought out and are meant to it could turn into a spiteful thing and be in genuine if ever spilt at the wrong moment. On the other hand it, and this is ideal, you would be recognized for your efforts with out saying anything and then its perfect timing... by definition. It is best to just keep cultivating yourself and not share unless asked I think, that way you always have surprises and who doesn't like surprises?...

After the 8th attempt my wrists are aching and being a yoga instructor I know it's because I am collapsing in my hands. It's a juggling act just like life! You want to hold, achieve, not give up, and fight for it... though you know in order to sustain it you have to distribute the effort over the whole body. Like life you have to balance it all. I feel handstand can sum up a yoga practice in a matter of minutes. There is no faking it! If your hands aren't as strong as your feet you will fall. If your core is weak it will be painful and obvious because your wrists will take it all in. If your breath isn't stead you will pass out and see stars when you do come out of it. If your mind isn't strong with intention, meaning, purpose and focus you will give up early and not "max out." Do you ever come out of something or back off of something and then right after you were like... "that wasn't so bad" I don't know why I didn't just stick with it? Why did I have to be such a baby?...

There is nothing better than surprising yourself! Especially after many attempts you are not even close then one 3 minute moment in your life when it all came together. I think that is why I created this blog in the first place because I love to make these weird random goals for myself and put it all out on the line. Some people like to gamble... to me life is a gamble, every single moment and if you put it all on the line every single time then at least you have no regrets. Regrets are a poison that isn't easily cured... unless you toe the line again and again until the impossible has been sculpted into the possible.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

GOAL: Run 1/2 Marathon

It's my birthday, January 24th, 2010 and I have decided to run a 1/2 marathon. This is one of the best ideas I have ever had, I have trained and I feel great. I start the race and begin at a chill pace trying not to speed with the crowd and stick to my chill pace. Many of them that were all speedy in the beginning didn't have enough pace to get up the baby hills and ended up walking. I loved that I stayed with a crowd.... though I ran the race "bandit style", which means without registering I felt alive in it. I didn't run through the tape since I was advised not to I clocked myself in at 2 hours and 13 minutes.

2 hr 13 min
133 mins
31 yrs old
and after I had a 1/3 lb burger

Such a great experience can't wait to do another... uh oh I think I'm hooked!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Few... I did it... I conquered one of my greatest fears that developed cuz of some belief in my head that when a camera is on you have to entertain. Instead I was myself and I rocked it. I feel great about my effort. Whether or not the video is appropriate to show my mentor is another question. I could feel the pressure in the class as if all my teachers were watching me and I realized that I need to do this more often. This is an exceptional exercise to fine tune my skills under pressure.

Yay baby!

Friday, January 8, 2010


I ran 6 miles all by myself well I guess just me and my iPOD which I love the jam 80's anthem songs. Such as Pat Benetar's "We Belong" or Scandal's "The Warrior." I feel like I am a warrior of my life. My friends have mentioned that I stand differently, my face looks thinner and that I appear to have more managable energy. It's true I would get really tired but for real not what I used to feel tired was an exhaustion of the redundant chores of life... now my fatigue feels like physical and as if I earned the tired feeling.

Fatigue is a reward to my knowing I gave it my all today and didn't hold back. I sometimes find myself wanting a nap or to sleep in but it only last so long I have to move or else my body just gets sore. So strange I never thought my efforts towards little goals would be perpetual and create a momentum. SO AWESOME!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


This is just training for the marathon but its more than I have ever run/ jogged in my life. After a bath and self massage of my legs they are still extremely sore. Running along side my belovid I was able to complete this training task and felt pumped afterward. 3-4 hours later I felt exhausted and took a nap for 3 hours. I feel better now and thought I would actually be a lot sorer but hey I will take it. The only question I have left is should I run 3 miles tomorrow?

Friday, January 1, 2010


108 is this auspicious number in yoga... meditators use it to count their repetitions of mantra, its the 9 months we are in the womb multiplied by 12 planets. It's auspicious because yogis many years before have used this very same number. So today I lead a group of yogis through this experience and for me it was extremely easy and I think for everyone in the room it was challenging but surprisingly easier than they thought it would be.

For whatever reason we have gotten soft with our beliefs in ourselves. We can do more are more powerful than we ever thought. I approach everything with this renewed sense of determination and feel I conquer myself each time not just the goal itself.