Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Today I completed actually 109 dropbacks... and as soon as I finished that I felt like I could have kept going.... and going... I felt like I could lift a car actually cuz my adrenal glands were so fired... but stopping was a more balanced practice.

A dropback means you drop back from standing into a back bend and then come back up. It was delightful and meaningful to do this practice with my Yoga Teacher and a group of very gifted Yogis.

I am also interested to find out how I feel tomorrow...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

GOAL: Make Quiche from Scratch

During all the excitement of Thanksgiving I invited everyone to our place for a "Farm Xmas."  We recently got some goats and have chickens one of which that lays eggs.  We call her "Elle McPherson", all of the chicken are named after super models.  Elle has red feathers and lays an egg everyday, so we have been saving to make quiches for our event.  We each made our own because we couldn't agree on what we wanted to put in it.  It's the same thing with pizza we always have to make 2 individual ones because I like things classic and simple and he likes things crazy, fusion-like and innovative.   So I made an Fresh Herb and Goat Cheese quiche it only used 3 eggs and was thing like a french quiche.  

Quiche Making Tips:
1.  Incorporate butter or butter flavor where ever possible
2.  Bake the crust before putting any filling in till it's light golden brown
3.  Poke holes throughout the bottom to ensure no bubbles
4.  If you get bubbles don't poke again just shmush it down
5.  Lightly butter pan before putting in the crust so it releases easily
6.  Be creative with your ingredients if it goes good with eggs it will be amazing in a quiche

This experience has sprouted ideas of grandeur.  We can make a quiche using what ingredients we have and make a few eggs go along way.  The french must have understood this.  You will have slices of quiche for lunch the next day or eat your quiche all day long... ;-)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

GOAL: Make Mini Cupcakes

This goal began with visiting a cupcake shop and realizing how happy I felt after seeing and then eating a cupcake personally decorated and special. So I decided that is what type of desert I was going to master and bring to parties from here on out. After making regular size cupcakes all my life mini ones were this breath of fresh air. They are the perfect size to not feel guilty, waste anything and make you feel special.

I began with online recipes and as usual with me I tweek them as I go. Beginning with Chocolate Mini Cupcakes with mascarpone cheese frosting then Carrot Cake & Ginger Bread Mini Cupcakes & Ginger both with Maple Cream Cheese Frosting.

These are a hit at any party.... it might just be universal Mini-Cupcakes make everyone SMILE! :~)

Saturday, December 19, 2009


This morning 8:30 am I jogged continuously 3 miles. I haven't been able to do that in a decade. The fresh, santa ana winds were actually nice for a change and not killing me. Maybe jogging helps me to get through the stuffy nose I typically get. I also woke up with a sore throat and one 3 mile jog later I felt better. Am I on to something? I'm sure everyone else in the world knows how much this form of exercise effects them but when something becomes tangible for you its a whole knew experience. My body wasn't sore I think it's all mental for me or at least mostly.

This proves is mostly mental for me..... wonder how many of us just need to hammer through our thoughts to accomplish un-thinkable things. Later today I attended a Yoga Workshop moving through the second/expanding series for Anusara postures. Not a practice you should do all the time and maybe not a practice you should do after a 3 mile run but my timing was off. The practice was equated at 41 plus backbends. Not drop backs as everyone thinks but different backbends. The ones that are asymmetrical are ridiculously harder than the others. This left my kidneys/adrenals glands to feel like they were going to melt off my back. When the teachers (Noah Maze & Darren Rhodes) said there was only 14 more to go I just about died. Even here right now I am quivering after an epsom salt bath and a little food.

I can't wait to feel how I feel tomorrow... eeek!