During all the excitement of Thanksgiving I invited everyone to our place for a "Farm Xmas." We recently got some goats and have chickens one of which that lays eggs. We call her "Elle McPherson", all of the chicken are named after super models. Elle has red feathers and lays an egg everyday, so we have been saving to make quiches for our event. We each made our own because we couldn't agree on what we wanted to put in it. It's the same thing with pizza we always have to make 2 individual ones because I like things classic and simple and he likes things crazy, fusion-like and innovative. So I made an Fresh Herb and Goat Cheese quiche it only used 3 eggs and was thing like a french quiche.
Quiche Making Tips:
1. Incorporate butter or butter flavor where ever possible
2. Bake the crust before putting any filling in till it's light golden brown
3. Poke holes throughout the bottom to ensure no bubbles
4. If you get bubbles don't poke again just shmush it down
5. Lightly butter pan before putting in the crust so it releases easily
6. Be creative with your ingredients if it goes good with eggs it will be amazing in a quiche
This experience has sprouted ideas of grandeur. We can make a quiche using what ingredients we have and make a few eggs go along way. The french must have understood this. You will have slices of quiche for lunch the next day or eat your quiche all day long... ;-)